The Brand
The Annahmol woman is one who has stepped into her power. She has passion dripping from her veins. She is delicately confident, having answered the call to walk authentically upon a path unfolding before her. She trusts in the divine timing of her life and treads lightly in a state of gratitude, without fear of what may lie ahead. She rejoices in her own skin, having stripped away her layers and taken off her mask. She knows that imperfection does not exist; her scars make her alluring, irresistible even. A red carpet of synchronicity, mystery, and opportunity roll out before her when she revels in her truth. Her simple, curated style is saturated by her own inner knowing, each adornment mindfully chosen and intertwined with her own journey—she is as luminous as the stone upon her neck.
Every Annahmol piece begins with a deep reverence for the natural essence of the raw material. Stones, seeds, leaves, and vintage textiles are selected by hand, each one resonating with the signature of its own unique imperfections. The beauty of raw materials is honored and enhanced, rather than transformed, by the expert hands of traditional artisans. Annahmol makes use of recycled metal bases like brass wherever possible and employs readily available and natural materials, often harvested by hand, having fallen from a manjadi kuru tree in a neighbor’s yard. Semi-precious stones like turquoise, aqua marine, garnet, and agate are chosen for their chakra-enhancing properties along with fossils, those ancient links to a distant past.
No two pieces are ever exactly alike and mass production never enters into the equation. Annahmol proudly pursues a slow manufacture process that delivers handcrafted goods as unique as the woman who wears them, providing sustainable income for local artists and forging a path for the preservation of traditional techniques to thrive in the modern economy. Our team of artisans, based in Jaipur, is led by a seventh-generation fruit vendor, who at the age of 18, aspired to forging his own creative path and began sampling pieces drawn by Annah inside the fruit market where his family worked.